The earliest known recipes date
from approximately 1600 BC and come from anAkkadiantablet
from southernBabylonia.AChineserecipe for fish salad dates
back to 1330 BC,and is found in the textYinshan Zhengyao, or
Correct Principles of Eating and Drinking.
There areancient Egyptianhieroglyphicsdepicting
the preparation of food.
Many ancient Greek recipes are known.Mithaecus's
cookbook was an early one, but most of it has been lost;Athenaeusquotes
one short recipe in hisDeipnosophistae.Athenaeusmentions
many other cookbooks, all of them lost.
on 12:50 AM
Në Azerbejxhan ekziston një lule e verdhë e cila quhet “Lulja e Ezanit” ngase ajo hapet apo çel vetem kur fillon të thërras ezani në xhaminë lokale ku gjendet lulja.